

     partition - make a partition table


     partition [-mf] device [type:]size[+*] ...


     Partition makes a partition table on device using  the  types  and  sizes
     given.   It  may be used in combination with repartition(8) for automatic
     installation of Minix.

     You may give up to four type:size[+*] specifications for the  partitions.
     You  may also specify holes before, between, and after the partitions.  A
     hole differs from a partition specification by not having a type.

     The first hole is by default 1 sector  to  make  space  for  the  primary
     bootstrap and the partition table.  The other holes are 0.

     The type field is the type of the partitition in hexadecimal.   The  size
     field  is  the partition's size in sectors.  The + or * may optionally be
     added to indicate that the partition must  be  expanded  to  contain  any
     leftover space on the device or to mark the partition active.

     Partitions are padded out to cylinder boundaries, except  for  the  first
     one,  it  starts  on  track  1.   Some operating systems care about this.
     Minix and MS-DOS do not.


     -m   Minix only, no need to pad partitions.   This  is  the  default  for
          subpartition tables.

     -f   Force making a partition table even if the device is too small.


     partition /dev/hd0 01:16384 81:40000 81:2880* 06:20000+

     Partitions disk 0 into an 8 Mb DOS partition, 20 Mb Minix /usr,  1.44  Mb
     Minix / (active), and a DOS partition of at least 10 Mb at the end of the
     disk.  (06:0+ would have been ok too, it's just a sanity check.)


     hd(4), part(8), repartition(8).


     Kees J. Bot (